How To Get PR For Your Business (11 Strategies To Follow)

As a business owner, author, new startup, or speaker, it is essential to learn how to get PR for your brand. If customers don’t hear about your company, they’ll never consider your products or services.

We're here to share the best ways to get PR for your business that will have a long-lasting effect on your success.

1. Offer Interesting Data

One of the best business PR tips you can use is to share compelling data through trusted publications. Customers, vendors, and other businesses enjoy getting useful information, and other sites will often link back to your original statistics. Plus, your research can help you build a reputation as an authority in your industry.

2. Create Amazing Content

You need amazing content that will stand out for readers, influencers, and reporters. Publications want to see great content because they need to research who you are before they decide to write about you or work with you. Meanwhile, readers use your videos, how-to articles, and blogs to solve problems and understand your offering.

3. Do Good and Share It

Journalists and influencers are used to companies releasing self-serving press releases. They typically don’t want to give you free advertising coverage unless it is earned. If you want someone to write about your business, you need to start by doing good within the community.

Partner with local non-profits, take part in a volunteer event, or find other ways to give back. Journalists will be more interested in covering your story and may give you more space in one of their articles. Doing good and serving your community are among the best ways to get positive PR for your business.

4. Make Better Pitches

Reporters get hundreds of pitches from all kinds of companies claiming they have a story worth telling. You can make your pitch stand out by adding your latest product or offering a trial of your services to their readers. Provide value to the writer and the reader.

5. Try the General Newsroom Distribution Address

TV stations normally have a general newsroom email address you can use to contact them. When you have an event or an announcement to share, try sending them an email about it. On a slow news day, you might get included as the station could spend a few moments talking about your newsworthy story.

6. Boost Your Outreach

If you are trying to figure out how to get PR for your business, you need to build your outreach list as much as possible. You don’t want to reinvent the wheel each time you have a new press release or industry event. Instead, you can use your cultivated, long-term connections with social media influencers, business owners, reporters, publications, PR teams, and industry bloggers.

7. Build Lasting Relationships

As you reach out to new connections and work with writers or contributors, don't focus on one-and-done contacts. You'll create extended success in your PR efforts when you build strong relationships with these individuals. Treat them well and provide them with value so they'll want to work with you again and again for years to come.

8. Try Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

HARO and similar programs are a good way to develop a reputation as an industry leader and get free mentions in major publications. With this service, you’ll get sent emails each day about topics that reporters need quotes on. Then, you can respond to the request to potentially get your business mentioned in articles.

9. Give Value for Free

The more you and your business can provide valuable information and insight for free, the more people will trust you. Whenever there is an opportunity to freely give of your time or knowledge, consider the people who will appreciate that. More often than not, people will return the favor at one point or another.

10. Share Your Thoughts on Trends

Writers, journalists, and consumers want to work with companies and brands that are "in the know". It is crucial that your business keep up with ongoing trends so you can share your perspective on what's going on in the world. Or at least within your industry.

11. Hire a Trusted PR Agency

If you don’t know how to get PR for your business or want help from the experts, you can always seek out a reputable agency. Efficient PR for business can determine whether your company is a success or a failure in the long term. In addition to saving you time, an experienced PR agency will also craft a surefire approach to managing your company’s efforts.

Ready to Get Started on Your Business PR?

A good public relations strategy is an effective way to boost your credibility and build up your company’s name.

Through our services, your brand can get a world-class PR strategy and reap the benefits that come with it.

To learn more about how we can help, get in touch with Canvas PR today!


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